The Road to Hana


Palapala Church LindyLindy's Site You can find a lot of information about this famous drive to the southeast end of Maui.  Until you do it yourself you really don’t understand.  It’s long, narrow, and winding.  Along the way it’s green with cane, banyan trees, fern,  water falls, and glimpses of the ocean far below.  Eleven miles after Hana is the small Palapala church and the burial site of Charles Lindbergh.  It’s a very modest site overlooking the pristine coastline.  As a pilot it is one of the places I had to see.  I know, not what one typically does when visiting Maui.

Marines Have Landed

Although a pilot I’ve never posted a photo of a plane on this blog.  The MV-22 Osprey is such an unusual aircraft I thought it would be interesting to share.  It was Marine appreciation day yesterday at our local airport and I was able to get close.  The unique propeller rotates from it’s flight position, which is forward,  to the landing position shown here.

Marines Have Lanaded